Friday, May 29, 2009

Back from Israel, but it's not over yet.

On the flight back from Israel I am full of love and pride for the people and the country. I have never been to another country where I have felt so at home and cared for. I am very sad to leave such a powerfully beautiful country and it was so nice to know that my feelings and beliefs in Judaism are shared:
It is more of a culture than a religion, you don't have to go to services regularly or believe in a God or keep kosher to consider yourself Jewish. Instead, you can observe your own way and ultimately in order to be Jewish you must be a good and just person.

And this is how I have tried to live my life so far, I have tried to live culturally Jewish. I feel more connected to Judaism outside of synagogue than inside it, so I choose to be spiritual in my own way without words that have been written for me and without praying to a higher being, and instead I believe in a higher power that wants to you to look inside yourself for the power to do things and not look for the power from something else.
I needed to hear that others felt similarly to how I feel about being Jewish and I did. I needed it because I have felt lost and alone in my view of my spirituality and now I feel more at peace.
I met such amazing people - The Israeli soldiers where such strong people, they were all so mature and stood so tall. And everyone on the bus from both Portland and Florida where amazing. I'm glad that I know have friends who live across the country (and the world) that I can always turn to for help.
I can't wait to go back to Israel, I want to save up my money so I can go back and after I graduate from college. I hope to take off a year to go back and live in Jerusalem. I told my mom and she started worrying about me going back and getting married and staying there. Just like her to jump so far ahead.

Words cannot describe this trip - it was such a blur of jewishness and it has left me stumbling and amazed. Israel is so full of history and stories, you can't go anywhere without going back in time.

I was with my mom today and she said that I've become more peaceful and relaxed since the trip, that I'm no longer as on edge or ready to pick a fight. I hope that this change is permanent.
I've decided that after I finish with french this semester I'm going to find a way to take Hebrew, either from CD's or taking a class near by L&C. I am very excited.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Quick glimpse of the first couple of days

We are on our third day here in Israel.
The weather is a lot nicer than I expected, and when I say nicer, I mean not as hot as I thought it was going to be.
We got off the plane and just started off to see Israel, it was amazing!
The flight was 11 hours, everyone tried to sleep, but nobody was able to sleep enough for the crazy day we had ahead of us.
It's been a whirl wind, we've been hiking, seen Roman ruins, more hiking, been to the beach and so much more that I can't even remember.
It's been really great, hopefully someone can post more later.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009



ps this is Simon